BITCOIN was created to allow us to regain control over our wealth.

XVEST was created to allow us to regain control over our computers.


Did you ever wonder why Facebook, Gmail or Youtube are free?
This is because they make billions by selling your personal data.
You're not their client. You're their product.
Why are we accepting this ?
Because no one has yet managed to raise enough money to build an ethical alternative.
If every person on Earth would contribute $1 just once in their life, we could raise enough money to replace all unethical services on the Internet forever.


Did you know that there are free open source alternatives to every commercial piece of software you use?
Then why pay instead of using what millions of generous developers around the world are giving away for free?
Why not install Linux on your computer since it runs 90% of all Web servers in the world?
This is because these developers are not communication experts like those greedy big tech companies.
They're not here to make money. They just want to write good and effective code.
Code that is so good that many commercial products are actually based on it!
We need to find a solution to reward these developers for their work and help them promote it.


Why are pupils not taught how to use Linux and other free software?
Because tech companies have infiltrated our educational system so deeply that they manage to impose their own commercial products.
If you teach pupils to use iPads at school, you can be sure they will buy Apple products when they grow up.
We must teach them to free themselves from commercial products for the rest of their life.